Discover Your Core Values


If you want to make a change in your life, moving you into a more life-giving future, then having clear core values is an essential tool.


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The world is full of competing values and principles. The people around you are all living out of certain values - whether they know it explicitly or not. If you are not clear about your personal values, you will always be living in reaction to the value-based choices of the people around you.

Either their values will shape your life, or your reactivity to their choices will. Neither of those is a life-giving, motivating, or dream-building way to live. God didn't design you to live in constant reaction to others.



Having a clear understanding of your core values can help you to:

  1. Make better decisions: When you know your core values, you can use them to evaluate different options and make decisions that align with your beliefs and principles.
  2. Set and achieve goals: Your core values can help you to set goals that are in line with what you truly care about and make progress towards a fulfilling life.
  3. Stay true to yourself: By living according to your core values, you can maintain your integrity and avoid acting in ways that are inconsistent with who you are.
  4. Improve relationships: When you are clear about your core values, you can communicate them effectively to others, leading to stronger and more fulfilling relationships.

In short, knowing your core values can bring greater clarity, direction, and satisfaction to your life. ​

Let’s get started!


  1. 7 Steps to identify your core values and discover your authentic self.
  2. Help you to give your values a presence in your life, so that you could lead values-based life.
Get The Workbook